It is impossible for your prayer to be answered if you still love doing this
The formula of praying in the Qur'an is surely to be granted by Allah SWT, as in his word:
2 above hadith shows how dangerous his food is haram, its unique that is on first hadith, there is a man who with all its condition can accelerate its earnest prayer like being:
1. Traveling (Shafar). People who travel far then his prayers will quickly be granted by God.
2. Raise his hand to the sky. A person who prays as he raises his hand to heaven will be more quickly granted by God than his silent hand. God is the most shy and most honorable, He will feel ashamed if he saw his servant who was lifting his hand and then lowered his hand in a state of empty.
3. Begging with asmaul husna. If someone prays to Allah by calling the phrase asmaul husna, it will be more quickly fulfilled when compared to directly mention the name of Allah without asmaul husna.
In the above hadith, the person has fulfilled these 3 conditions which can accelerate his prayer is being shafar, raised his hand, and begged with asmaul husna, but rasulullah said "the food is haram and his mouth is fed with the haram, so how will the prayer be received that?"
This shows that illegitimate food becomes a barrier from his unveiling of prayer.
Well, from now on, choose a business / job that as much as possible to generate income that is only halal so that prayer of our prayers continues to be accepted by God.
And if my servants ask you about Me, then (answer), that I am near. I grant the request of the one who prays if he begs me, then let them fulfill (all my commandments) and let them believe in Me, that they may always be in the truth. (QS: Al-baqarah: 186).
In the above verse Allah will grant the requests of all his servants who plead with Him, which is an interesting sentence after his ie let them fulfill all my commandments. This means that in order for your prayer to be granted by God, you also must carry out his commandments.
The nature of that prayer, if you ask for it now, later, or for the future will surely be granted, but the way and time of his granting according to the benefit of each, will be granted when the time is right and when you are ready to receive it.
The problem is when someone asks God, his request is not granted, the person feels his prayer is not answered by God. Yet what happened was not his God did not grant his prayer, but when God wanted to give it, God's gift was not penetrated to his self due to the sin he ever committed.
So sin is the barrier of the unfolding of his prayer, the more his sin, the stronger will be the barrier, so that will deter you from his Grace of God. Because it multiply is beristighfar to remove sin.
The Nature of Prayer
The nature of that prayer, if you ask for it now, later, or for the future will surely be granted, but the way and time of his granting according to the benefit of each, will be granted when the time is right and when you are ready to receive it.
The problem is when someone asks God, his request is not granted, the person feels his prayer is not answered by God. Yet what happened was not his God did not grant his prayer, but when God wanted to give it, God's gift was not penetrated to his self due to the sin he ever committed.
So sin is the barrier of the unfolding of his prayer, the more his sin, the stronger will be the barrier, so that will deter you from his Grace of God. Because it multiply is beristighfar to remove sin.
Illegitimate food blocked his unanswered prayers
It is mentioned in another hadith that the Messenger of Allah said, "A man travels away, his hair is tangled, his face is dusty, he raises his hands to the sky and says, 'O my Rabb! Oh my Rabb! ' Whereas the food is unclean and its mouth is fed with the haram, then how will the prayer be accepted? "(Muslim history).
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Behold, that bribery if it is in the belly of one of you, then his deeds are not accepted for 40 days." (At-Thabrani's history).
2 above hadith shows how dangerous his food is haram, its unique that is on first hadith, there is a man who with all its condition can accelerate its earnest prayer like being:
1. Traveling (Shafar). People who travel far then his prayers will quickly be granted by God.
2. Raise his hand to the sky. A person who prays as he raises his hand to heaven will be more quickly granted by God than his silent hand. God is the most shy and most honorable, He will feel ashamed if he saw his servant who was lifting his hand and then lowered his hand in a state of empty.
3. Begging with asmaul husna. If someone prays to Allah by calling the phrase asmaul husna, it will be more quickly fulfilled when compared to directly mention the name of Allah without asmaul husna.
In the above hadith, the person has fulfilled these 3 conditions which can accelerate his prayer is being shafar, raised his hand, and begged with asmaul husna, but rasulullah said "the food is haram and his mouth is fed with the haram, so how will the prayer be received that?"
This shows that illegitimate food becomes a barrier from his unveiling of prayer.
Well, from now on, choose a business / job that as much as possible to generate income that is only halal so that prayer of our prayers continues to be accepted by God.
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