The murder of Khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib

Justice of Ali

Imam Ali was succeeded as a Caliph in place of the murdered Utsman bin Affan. One thing that stands out in his leadership (which is suspected of being hateful in some of the Arabs) is his justice in treating his people. It eliminates the caste system.

When giving compensation, he does not distinguish whether the person who receives it is an Arab or non Arab, a family or not, the Hashim (Aliic tribe), or other tribe. Ali said, "I read al-quran, then I think, there I found no difference in caste, no difference whatsoever despite the mosquitoes between Ismail and Isaac."

Ali was also able to balance the social and economic life that was disrupted at the end of the term of Utsman bin Affan due to the great political turmoil.

Ali's motive

Various narrations tell us that Ali bin Abi Thalib or commonly called Imam Ali died martyrdom at 21 Ramadhan 40 H, after being poisoned by a poisoned sword by Abdurrahman bin Muljam.In the story narrated, Ali was killed while praying (some say exactly when he was bowing).Many believe that Abdurrahman has certain motives. Then, someone was provoking him (to influence him) to commit the murder. Among those suspected of his mastermind are:

1. Abdurrahman Bin Muljam

According to Ibn Sa'ad's history, when Abdurrahman bin Muljam (who was khawarij, opponent of Ali's caliphate) went to Kuffah, he met a woman, Qutsman bint Syajannah bin Adi whose father and brother were killed in the war of Nahrawan. As a dowry, the girl asked for money of 3000 dinars and the killing of Ali's priest.

2. Khawarij people who oppose Ali's caliphate

For this people, human law (caliph's law) is illegal and infidel. For them, there is no law other than the law of Allah SWT. Most scholars believe that although the idea is true, khawarij understands it wrongly and blindly. Because, however, the leader is gaining an important role in Islam.

In fact, Rasulullah SAW did it by becoming a leader for Muslims. With the authentic Hadiths, the Messenger of Allah also emphasized his penring for the people to choose a leader among them.

This rejection of human law is what makes the Khawarij a hard-line Islam stream so Imam Ali is fighting them. Many believe that the khawarij leader who sent Adurrahman bin Muljam to kill Imam Ali.

3. Muawiyah people

This group is those who are disappointed that Imam Ali's government did nothing (not punish) those who had killed Utsman bin Affan. Therefore, they rebelled and did not recognize Ali's leadership. They form their own caliphate.

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